Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lynnette Jellison is Employee of the Season

Lynnette Jellison, Volunteer Coordinator, was chosen as the Employee of the Season! Each quarter one employee is honored with this award for his/her dedication, going above & beyond and being a leader in helping our patients & families. Lynnette works with volunteers at the Care Center, as well as several care teams through out the Denver-metro area and 11th Hour Volunteers. Lynnette was awarded a paid day off, a gift card and two parties: one at the Care Center and one at the Main Offices so that we could all help her celebrate. To help her celebrate, Erin made sure she had a crown, scepter and roses to complete the look, along with a crown cake.  Congratulations, Lynnette! We are so proud of you and happy you are part of the Volunteer Services Team! 

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